thank you so much for pointers pbreit and massimo, it's correct that before i changed my from database field into from_date because i think it's a keyword. i've already tried to modified my code, but the date validation is not run using crud, here's my code :

                Field('from_date', 'date', requires = IS_DATE()),
                Field('to_date', 'date', requires = IS_DATE()))

def __add_2(table):
form = crud.create(table, onvalidation = __date_comparation, next = URL(request.application, request.controller, 'index'))
    return dict(form = form)

def __date_comparation(form):
    if request.function == 'booking_add':
        if form.vars.from_date > form.vars.to_date:
            form.errors.to_date = 'To Date must start before From Date'

def booking_add():
    return __add_2(

any hints or pointers for this problem is highly appreciate.

thank you very much in advance

On 04/23/2011 12:56 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
mind that "end" is a keyword in sql and you can have problems with a
field called "end".

On Apr 22, 12:34 pm, pbreit<>  wrote:
I think you were on the right track. I think naming the field "from" might
have been a problem. I assume with your last function you had renamed the
fields from_date and to_date? The if request.function might not be
necessary. Remember that any functions with parameters cannot be accessed
from the browser.

This works OK:

     Field('start', 'datetime'),
     Field('end', 'datetime'))

def process_duration_form(form):
     if form.vars.start>  form.vars.end:
         form.errors.start = 'start must be before end'

def duration():
     form = SQLFORM(db.duration)
     if form.accepts(request.vars, session,
         response.flash = 'form accepted'
     elif form.errors:
         response.flash = 'form has errors'
         response.flash = 'please fill out the form'
     return dict(form=form)

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