
trying to solve a problem that emerged when I moved my app from an
older (v1.92) installation to latest.

Here is the error:
  File "/Users/blackthorne/Dropbox/Code/Workspaces/web2py/applications/
homepage/controllers/default.py", line 47, in get_tweets
    import gluon.contrib.simplejson as sj
  File "/Users/blackthorne/Dropbox/Code/Workspaces/web2py/gluon/
custom_import.py", line 70, in _web2py__import__
    locals, fromlist, level)
  File "/Users/blackthorne/Dropbox/Code/Workspaces/web2py/gluon/
custom_import.py", line 46, in _web2py__import__dot
    result = result or new_mod.__dict__[name]
KeyError: 'gluon'

the related code seems to be:
            result = None
            for name in name.split("."):
                new_mod = _old__import__(prefix, globals, locals,
[name], level)
                result = result or new_mod.__dict__[name]
                prefix += "." + name
            return result

that new_mod seems to come from applications/admin/modules/
__init__.py, no idea why...

Thank you
Best regards

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