I have a virtual field attached to the auth_user table titled "name"
that renders the user's name with certain formatting based on auth
membership.  I also have records in a second table that are linked to
the auth_user table.  When I fetch these rows I can access the virtual
as expected:


However, when I access the "auth.user" variable to determine the
current user, it lacks the appropriate virtual field.  Thus calling
"auth.user.name" returns the string '0' (when it is JSON-ified)
instead of the user's name with formatting.

I'm supposing that the framework does not bind the virtual fields
until after the "auth" object has been initialized, since they are
declared in my db_auth.py file after the auth object is instantiated.
Is this missing virtual field intended behavior, a documented problem
that is a shortcoming of needing to declare the auth object before
binding the virtual fields, or a bug?


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