On 04/23/2011 10:47 PM, Anthony wrote:
On Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:40:09 PM UTC-4, encompass wrote:

    I would like to make a drop down with the email and password option
    there... similar to the way that twitter does it.  Is this easily

auth.login() generates the login form -- I suppose you could return that from your home page controller and embed it in the view where appropriate (or just call it directly in the view). On the client side, you would probably handle the drop-down with simple Javascript to toggle the visibility of the login form. For an example, see http://www.beunick.com (it's powered by web2py).

    Second, I would like to get read of the "Welcome <first name>"
    next to the logout buttons.
    I tried looking into the auth code and couldn't see where this was
    easily possible.  For example I don't understand how to make my
    own auth
    form and response on any other page by the default one.

The login and logout links are generated by the 'navbar' method of the Auth class in /gluon/tools.py. auth.navbar() returns a web2py HTML helper object, so you can use the server-side DOM to alter it before it is rendered (see http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/05#Server-side-DOM-and-Parsing). Alternatively, you could just write your own replacement for the 'navbar' function.
GREAT! This got me in what I think is the right direction, but I seem to be having some issues with auth.register()
I made this in the view:
<div id="statusbar">
                    {{if auth.is_logged_in():}}
<li><a href="{{=URL('default', 'user', args='logout')}}">Logout</a></li>
<li><a href="{{=URL('default', 'user', args='profile')}}">Profile</a></li>
<div id="login_widget">
<div id="register_widget">
<li><a href="{{=URL('default', 'user', args='login')}}">Login</a></li>
<li><a href="{{=URL('default', 'user', args='register')}}">Register</a></li>
But it seems that when I do this I and then go to a page with the code my browser throws me an error saying it's in a redirect loop...
"The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."
If I take out the =auth.register it will work...
Any ideas into the problem?
Best Regards,
Jason Brower

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