
Used router and changed default app to kiekjs.

On Apr 27, 9:33 pm, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> On Apr 27, 2011, at 12:27 PM, Johan wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to deploy my app on GAE, but I don't know how to configure
> > the app.yaml so that the request is routed to my app and not the
> > welcome app.
> > Current behaviour:
> >http://localhost:8081results in:
> >http://localhost:8081/welcome/default/index
> > but I expected
> >http://localhost:8081/kiekjs/default/index
> > I searched in chapter 11 and in the group mails, but can't find any
> > reference to what to change.
> 'welcome' is the built-in default when 'init' doesn't exist. You can rename 
> your app to 'init', or create a with, at a minimum, a 
> default_application definition.
> > Johan
> > See my current app.yaml settings:
> > application: kiekjs
> > version: 1
> > api_version: 1
> > runtime: python
> > default_expiration: "24h"
> > derived_file_type:
> > - python_precompiled
> > handlers:
> > - url: /_ah/stats.*
> >  script: $PYTHON_LIB/google/appengine/ext/appstats/
> >  login: admin
> > - url: /(?P<a>.+?)/static/(?P<b>.+)
> >  static_files: applications/\1/static/\2
> >  upload: applications/(.+?)/static/(.+)
> >  secure: optional
> > - url: /favicon.ico
> >  static_files: applications/welcome/static/favicon.ico
> >  upload: applications/welcome/static/favicon.ico
> > - url: /robots.txt
> >  static_files: applications/welcome/static/robots.txt
> >  upload: applications/welcome/static/robots.txt
> > - url: /_ah/admin/.*
> >  script: $PYTHON_LIB/google/appengine/ext/admin
> >  login: admin
> > - url: /_ah/queue/default
> >  script:
> >  login: admin
> > - url: .*
> >  script:
> >  secure: optional
> > admin_console:
> >  pages:
> >  - name: Appstats
> >    url: /_ah/stats
> > skip_files: |
> > ^(.*/)?(
> > (app\.yaml)|
> > (app\.yml)|
> > (index\.yaml)|
> > (index\.yml)|
> > (#.*#)|
> > (.*~)|
> > (.*\.py[co])|
> > (.*/RCS/.*)|
> > (\..*)|
> > #(applications/(admin|examples)/.*)|
> > ((admin|examples|welcome)\.(w2p|tar))|
> > (applications/.*?/(cron|databases|errors|cache|sessions)/.*)|
> > ((logs|scripts)/.*)|
> > (anyserver\.py)|
> > (web2py\.py)|
> > ((cgi|fcgi|modpython|wsgi)handler\.py)|
> > (epydoc\.(conf|css))|
> > (httpserver\.log)|
> > (logging\.example\.conf)|
> > (route[rs]\.example\.py)|
> > (setup_(app|exe)\.py)|
> > (splashlogo\.gif)|
> > (parameters_\d+\.py)|
> > (|
> > (gluon/tests/.*)|
> > (gluon/(rocket|winservice)\.py)|
> > (contrib/(gateways|markdown|memcache|pymysql)/.*)|
> > (contrib/(populate|taskbar_widget)\.py)|
> > (google_appengine/.*)|
> > (.*\.(bak|orig))|
> > )$
> > builtins:
> > - remote_api: on
> > - datastore_admin: on

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