So I cant map
/public/index/Demo.Demo to /public/Demo.Demo if I use the parameter
based system ?

On May 2, 2:48 am, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> On May 1, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Alexandre Strzelewicz wrote:
> > I tried lot of things and I cant use  Parameter Based System + Pattern-
> > Based System at same time....
> > How can I do to map controllers and other when I use :
> > routers = dict(
> >    BASE = dict(
> >        # default_controller =
> > 'default',
> >        domains = {
> >            "" : "app1",
> >            "" : "app2"
> >            }
> >        ),
> >    )
> > ?
> > routes_in = (('/login', '/app1/default/user/login'))  -> doesn't work.
> > It says that default/login is not avaible ...
> You can't mix, but you don't need to.
> Functions aren't omitted by default. To omit functions (only in the default 
> controller) create another router for your app, thus:
> routers = dict(
>    BASE = dict(
>        domains = {
>            "" : "app1",
>            "" : "app2"
>            }
>     ),
>    app1 = dict(
>       functions = ["user", ...},
>    )
> )
> ...where functions is a list of *all* the functions in app1/default.
> Alternatively, don't bother, and access user/login instead of login.
> > On May 2, 12:36 am, Alexandre Strzelewicz
> > <> wrote:
> >> Thanks I found that for each domains :
> >> In on web2py root folder :
> >> routers = dict(
> >>     BASE = dict(
> >>         # default_controller =
> >> 'default',
> >>         domains = {
> >>             "" : "app1",
> >>             "" : "app2"
> >>             }
> >>         ),
> >>     )
> >> But I can't use Parameter-Based System + Pattern-Based System at the
> >> same time ?
> >> Parameter Based System for domain pointing and Pattern Based System
> >> for internal application routing
> >> as :
> >> routes_in = (('/login', '/app1/default/user/login'))
> >> Thanks
> >> On May 1, 9:28 pm, Anthony <> wrote:
> >>> Have you tried using the new parameter-based routing system to map
> >>> subdomains to different apps 
> >>> (see
> >>> doesn't work, maybe you can do it with the older pattern-based system 
> >>> (
> >>> On Sunday, May 1, 2011 1:40:02 PM UTC-4, Alexandre Strzelewicz wrote:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>> I used  the script '' to configure
> >>>> my server.
> >>>> But now when I go to, it automatically redirect me
> >>>> to
> >>>> Now I want to configure apache to map
> >>>>
> >>>> So I think I have to use mod_alias, Im right ?
> >>>> This doesnt work :
> >>>> <VirtualHost *:80>
> >>>>              ServerName
> >>>>              Alias / /MYAPP
> >>>> </VirtualHost>
> >>>> Thank you

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