Hi, did you find any solution to your problem?

I have the same problem. The Url function should build a link over ssl
(https) if the url contains the controller "user". e.g. /myapp/user/
login or /myapp/user/register

On Apr 12, 4:43 am, LightOfMooN <vladsale...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> The problem is because urls is relative, not absolute.
> My problem is:
> If I have https and I'm in sub1.domain.ru, I can't make 
> urlhttps://sub2.domain.ru, because I can't catch protocol inroutes_out,
> like ('$protocol*://domain\.ru:.* /myapp/company/index/$sub',
> '$protocol*://$sub.domain.ru'),
> On 11 апр, 23:45, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
> > On Apr 11, 2011, at 10:13 AM, LightOfMooN wrote:
> > > Hello
> > > I have some records in my routes.py
> > > in routes_in:
> > >    (r'.*://$sub\.domain\.ru:.* /?', r'/myapp/company/index/$sub'),
> > > inroutes_out:
> > >    ('/myapp/company/index/$sub', 'http://$sub.domain.ru'),
> > > So, routes_in workds fine, butroutes_outworks only by http.
> > > Is there a way to get protocol inroutes_out?
> > Do you mean the subdomain?
> > If the incoming request was for sub.domain.ru, then you want to return a 
> > URL that's relative to the scheme & domain, and let the browser fill them 
> > in.
> > If the request was for sub.domain.ru, and you're generating a URL for 
> > other.domain.ru, then you've got no choice but to specify the URL 
> > explicitly.
> > It's probably best not to use URL() for the cross-domain case, I think. The 
> > parametric (new) router assumes that the URL being generated is in the same 
> > domain as the current request. I can see how it might be enhanced to 
> > support cross-domain URLs, but it's not trivial, and it doesn't happen now.

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