Hi Thiago,

from where are you getting the cariable 'value'? can you see an error ticket
on admin?

BTW: PowerTable is in 'alfa' version, I have to finish this plugin (any
volunteer to help?)

The editable functionality is experimental but it works for some cases, let
me explain how it works.

It uses Jquery library JEditable to turn table cells in to text inputs ( in
the future this should handle combo boxes and another widgets), when buiding
a powertable you might specify if it is editable.

tb = plugins.powerTable
tb.datasource = db.table.id>0
tb.extra =
return tb.create()

At this point you have a powerTable with editable cells wich will fire via
Ajax call the function 'editablefunction' passing some values as post
arguments which is 'row_id' and 'column' and 'value'

so you can do something like:
----- default.py -----
def editablefunction():
     id = request.vars.row_id
     column = request.vars.column

Now with the new stuff in trunk it could be changed, I guess the plugin
needs to be rewriten using thread locals and making some parts better.

Bruno Rocha
[ About me: http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno ]

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:37 AM, Tiago Moutinho <tiago...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using PowerTable and I love it!
> But I have an issue:
> I want to edit a column named status, but only that column.
> And i want to alter de value of that column (status) on the databse,
> with an update.
> I've made an editable function, but something is missing, i guess,
> because it does not work.
> def editablefunction():
>    db(db.report.id == row_id).update(status = value)

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