It is hard to tell without the code but this looks suspicious


why is COUNT(...) in quotes?

On May 15, 7:12 am, Jason Brower <> wrote:
> I am using latest, not trunk...
> I was testing some of my code and I got some index errors.  That's fine
> so I go into the file and make some changes.  Then it says the same
> error but this time a different line.  One that doesn't even use indexs.
> So I put a comment on the line and this is what I got...
> Traceback(most recent call last):
>    File"/home/encompass/Programming/Web 
> Pages/web2py/gluon/",line181,inrestricted
>      execccodeinenvironment
>    File"/home/encompass/Programming/Web 
> Pages/web2py/applications/interestID_final/controllers/"  
> <>,line470,in<module>
>    File"/home/encompass/Programming/Web 
> Pages/web2py/gluon/",line133,in<lambda>
>      self._caller=lambdaf:f()
>    File"/home/encompass/Programming/Web 
> Pages/web2py/gluon/",line2335,inf
>      returnaction(*a, **b)
>    File"/home/encompass/Programming/Web 
> Pages/web2py/applications/interestID_final/controllers/"  
> <>,line133,inindex
>      largest_item+size_variance-user._extra['COUNT('])):
> File"applications/interestID_final/modules/",line62,inplace
>      #This is some commented stuff...
> IndexError:list index out of range
> Funny, but not really as I can't figure out what is wrong here.
> I have deleted any traces of .pyc files, and run a "clean" on the app
> with no change in result.
> I even put wrong syntax and it still doesn't change anything.  I have
> check many times to make sure I am working with the same file. I have
> even change the file's name and it doesn't crash but shows the same error.
> BR,
> Jason Brower

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