2011/5/18 luckysmack <luckysm...@gmail.com>:
> I recently listened to a podcast from a HOPE conference last year, and
> the podcast talked about post data obfuscation. Where when the post
> data is submitted it is obfuscated by javascript and a false copy is
> passed through POST and a real copy is sent to the server. it also
> send a special key that is encrypted and the server only knows the
> real key. So if the hacker find out the POST data is obfuscated and
> tries to do the same, the server will know whether its the real copy
> or not.
> I was curious if web2py (or really python in general, that i could
> plug into web2py) had any kind of feature like this. I figured it
> might not, So my second part of the question is if anyone knows of a
> way to do this in python that I can use with web2py. In the end if I
> can get this to work I would be willing to submit my code for others
> to use so we can all benefit.
> So for eaither method, i was looking if anyone had something to help
> me get started.
> Heres the podcast (mp3) in questioned I listened to:
> http://c2047862.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/tnhb05.mp3
> which is from this site (they have some other great talks about web as
> well. though most are generally security and hackerish related)
> http://thenexthope.org/talks-list/

Running the application over https you get the same benefit when using
Post (supposing the hacker access to the posted data using a network

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