Does SQLFORM have an "onaccept" handler?

I just tried doing this

def post():

    if form.accepts(request):
        response.js = reload('list')

in my view I have

{{= LOAD('list_posts',target='list',ajax=True) }}

But this does not seem to work either.

I suppose I am missing one step in the inter component communication.

On 5/20/11 10:45 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
what's the view?

On May 20, 9:26 am, "David J."<>  wrote:
I saw the video on creating components;

I tried following the steps outline there;

For some reasons I must have missed a step because the message post
table is not uploading;

Here is the code I think is not working correctly.

def reload(target):
      def js(form):
          response.js = 'web2py_component("%s","%s")' % (URL(target),target)

      return js

def posts():
        postform = SQLFORM(db.posts,onaccept=reload('post_text'))

I changed the example a bit from the one you used because you used a
Crud Form; but I just used SQLFORM instead which shouldn't really matter.


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