Use the python * operator to unpack the list, like this:

item_summary_fields =  [, db.item.title, db.item.image_thumb, 
db.item.currency, db.item.shipping_method, db.item.start_price, 
db.item.drops, db.item.duration, db.item.price_change, db.item.created_on]

rows = db(>0).select(*item_summary_fields)

In Python, if my_list is a list, *my_list unpacks the list. Similarly, if 
my_dict is a dict, **my_dict unpacks it.

so, if we want to use orderby or groupby, we can use the dict unpacking like 

kw ={'orderby':'db.item.title'}

rows = db().select(*item_summary_fields,**kw)

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