Who would like to debug their javascript and css live in from web2py.
start chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222
Then in another tab that contains the web2py admin open a websocket
connection to http://localhost:9222/json
you can do things like set breakpoints and other debug tasks, live
preview css changes save them back to the file, send server
information to the console. Really the possibilities only end with our
imaginations.  This kind of functionality would make web2py really
stand out in rapid app development. The first one to impliment this
kind of integration will get some serious visibility.
Would anyone be interested in working on this kind of integration with
me.I propose we add a debug action in the admin default controller.We
start with from the existing webkit inspect.
Does any one know if we could start with their bsd licensed code?

Works now on chromes dev and canary channels support is coming to all
webkit browsers including mobile(blackberry playbook is first)


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