On Jun 2, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> The point is that it allows you to do
> data.a.b.c=1
> without having to do
> data.a=Storage()
> data.a.b=Storage()
> data.a.b.c=1
> In your test:
>>>> data.test
> <Storage {}>
> but:
>>>> data.test == None
> True
>>>> if not data.test: print 'null'
> null

I'd vote for None, and explicit initialization.

> On Jun 2, 11:54 am, Ross Peoples <ross.peop...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I just tried this in a web2py shell:
>>>>> from gluon.storage import Storage
>>>>> data = Storage()
>>>>> data.foo = 'bar'
>>>>> data.foo
>> 'bar'
>>>>> data.test
>> <Storage {}>

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