After some talking to the Pydev author, we've managed to make a patch
to a file in Pydev that calls the build_environment() and
run_models_in() functions from web2py, and adds the resulting
environment into the __builtins__. The result is you "automagically"
get a fully working web2py environment in eclipse, with
autocompletion, etc.

You can follow the development on this feature request on Pydev issue

The procedure is quite manual yet, I hope it can be improved so it is
customizable per project.

Comments and help are welcome!


On 29 abr, 10:51, Álvaro J. Iradier <>
> Hi,
> I am trying to develop an extension (a Jython script[1]) for Pydev[2] to
> improve web2py integration into Eclipse (I'm not sattisfied with the
> existing recipes).
> I've just started, and you can follow what's going on on the following
> thread in the Pydev-code mailing list:
> If someone is interested on helping, please let me know, I don't have much
> time available to work on it.
> Greets.
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Álvaro J. Iradier Muro
> Departamento de Desarrollo
> Polar Technologies
> T +34 976 527 952
> F +34 976 466
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> Gracias por su colaboración.

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