On Thursday, 9 June 2011 15:40:14 UTC+2, Alexandre Strzelewicz wrote:
> Is Ruby on Rails faster than Web2py ? 

Here are a few *really *important points about speed:

   1. Speed is not the same as *concurrency*.  On the web, generally 
   (depending on your application), it is the latter that matters more.   Ruby 
   and web2py both have solutions for running multiple processes (I am using 
   *thin *for Ruby and *uwsgi *for Python) in most deployments, so that 
   settles the concurrency problems as far as the framework is concerned.  The 
   DB is a whole other matter, unfortunately, and that affects all frameworks 
   in any language.
   2. The most important speed measurement you will ever have to be 
   concerned with in your entire career is *how quickly you can work while 
   maintaining a high level of accuracy*.  This is also the most financially 
   important speed measurement for your work, because every hour lost in 
   productivity is measured in your hourly compensation rate.  Therefore, use 
   the tools with which you are most productive.  If that means Ruby for you, 
   then you should work on that stack.  For me, it's Python.  It doesn't matter 
   what tools you use, just as long as you are most efficient with them.
   3. If you have a hotspot in your interpreted code, whichever language it 
   may be, the tried & tested solution is always** to code just that hotspot in 
   C (assuming the best algorithm is already being used).  The answer is *not 
   *to switch out (and presumably learn) one interpreted language for 

**pypy may currently be in the process of making this statement a lie.

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