Here it is:

1. Download the latest web2py sources

2. Create the following '' file at the web2py

### ###
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server, demo_app
from gluon.main import wsgibase
httpd = make_server('', 8000, wsgibase)
print "Serving HTTP on port 8000..."
# Respond to requests until process is killed
### end file ###

3. Download and install PyScripter

4. Create new project in PyScripter.

5. Import all web2py or single application files to the project

6. Select Run->Python Engine->Remote in menu

7. Place somewhere in the sources break point (F5)

8. Open file

9. Start debugging the project (menu Run->Debug)

Sometimes PyScripter hangs on debug. Also you can't debug a modified
source code - you need to restart the debugging.
Despite these shortcomings, PyScripter is convenient tool for
debugging and editing web2py on Windows.

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