How to tests with web2py. Need importing gluon libs.
*Gilson Filho*
*Web Developer*

2011/6/11 Pierre Thibault <>

> 2011/6/10 <>
> Hello guys,
>> I started to create a script to test the scripts that use the library
>> unittest projects web2py. I usually like this:
>> - I create the folder *tests* in the project;
>> - Inside the tests folder create two folders: *models* and *controllers*;
>> For now, I have done is to test the model layer. But I ask the help and
>> contribution ofall to improve this script, and so we have a full support to
>> the use of TDD in both themodel layer as the control. This is good for
>> people like me, sympathized greatly with doctests.
> Hello Gilson,
> This is something I thought about. Here is my idea about web2py testing:
> 1) I want to use py.test ( for testing. I
> don't want to have to create my test suits manually and with py.test I can
> mark my functions with decorators to create test suits.
> 2) For the controllers, I want to create two types of tests: web GUI tests
> and headless tests.
> For the web gui tests, I plan to use Windmill (
> ).
> For the headless tests, I plan to use WebTest (
> More specifically, I want my test suits to start web2py on another thread.
> This way pydev will be able to give me the code coverage at the end of my
> tests. For headless tests, I plan with send my http request with a special
> argument like "test=true" so my controller will know it is a test. Then I
> will decorate my controller functions so that instead of returning a
> dictionary to be rendered by the view, it will stream the dictionary as a
> file and my tests will be able to easily analyze the results by downloading
> the file and recreating the same dictionary.
> Yet, I have to implemented this solution but this is what I have in mind.
> --
> A+
> -------------
> Pierre
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