Right now there is a bug that means the request.vars don't get passed
correctly. I assume that will be fixed fairly quickly so ignoring that
for the moment:

As I understand it ajax=False means that the page is compiled on the
first request; but the components all have their own request object.
So you have all the benefits of componentisation without the overhead
of the ajax calls. Setting ajax_trap determines whether forms are
submitted via ajax or by reloading the whole page.

So once it  is all working as intended don't you get all the benefits
without the overhead by setting ajax=False? Or is there some other
reason that you would want to set ajax=True?

On Jun 12, 6:04 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>
> I stronly suggest always using ajax=True and not using ajax_trap=True.
> Both trap forms. ajax_trap=True performs an extra optimization: it avoids
> the first ajax call by serving the original content within the outer page.
> people have reported some problems with this and I am working to fix it.
> from a user point of view there is no difference.

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