Try adding this inside the loop:

db._timings = []

web2py logs all sql statements in db._timings This would cause a
memory leak but I would expect it to be negligible.

On Jun 22, 3:06 am, Kimmo <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed a possible memory leak while moving our application to
> production server.
> Problem is simplified below as much as possible:
> #--- ---
> db = DAL('mysql://root:root@localhost/memory_test', pool_size=0)
> db.define_table('test_table',
>         SQLField('description'))
> #--- end of file ---
> #--- ---
> while (True):
>     record = db.test_table[1]
> #---- end of file ---
> I inserted one record to test_table.
> Background process is started:
> python2.6 -S Memory_test -M -N -R applications/Memory_test/
> private/
> Now if one monitors memory usage of the script is seems to steadily
> consume more and more memory.
> Guppy showed the same thing.
> For test purposes I tried gc.collect() inside the while loop but it
> did not help.
> Also added db.commit() inside the loop just in case if that might do
> the trick.
> Am i completely missing something obvious or is this an actual bug?
> Ubuntu 8.04
> Web2py: Version 1.95.1 (2011-04-25 15:04:14)
> Python2.6
> - Kimmo

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