Note, the same thing works for any HTML helper, not just the TAG helper.

On Thursday, June 23, 2011 6:21:37 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

> >>> mytag=TAG.element('xyz', _attr='value')
> >>> print mytag.attributes['_attr']
> value
> >>> print mytag.components[0]
> xyz
> Anthony
> On Thursday, June 23, 2011 5:50:06 PM UTC-4, w2padawan wrote:
>> Hi web2pyers:
>> the TAG helper is very useful, but, it's any way to get the 'value' of the 
>> attribute from an element?
>> Something like:
>> <element attr='value' />
>> in that scenario, it is possible to get 'value' using just the TAG helper? 
>> I would appreciate your suggestions.
>> Thank you in advance

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