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On 06/24/2011 02:00 PM, villas wrote:
I notice that group member Dwayne was offering a 'bounty' to the project for information etc. I really like this idea and I wonder what others thought.

It provides an incentive to provide more functionality and gives people an excuse to donate towards this wonderful framework and encourage Massimo

Could the concept be broadened and the bounty split; one half going to the person that provides the best answer, and the other to the project?
Splitting it good. But I think 20% to the project is better. We have to make it worth the bounty hunters money.
Should there be a standard bounty amount to stop people outbidding each other?
I think there should be varying bounty amount. Free markets free software. :)

Should there be a 'Bounty App' to list the bounties on offer or maybe we can include bounties in Web2pySlices slice requests?
I think bounties are a nice way to get things done, but sadly, many don't work. We tend to think very big on the project and think the hunter will just fill in the gaps. If we have an application to do this, I think it should be motorated by people that know how to manage in an agile development way. that way the project can be declared done and the bounty can be closed by a modorater. But then, at this point 20% to the project 20% to the mod and 60% to the Hunter. I am willing to mod if we did something like this. :)

There is of course nothing to stop people doing their own thing. But it would be nice to know that such an initiative is considered by the group generally as being a 'good thing' and welcomed by Massimo. I do not wish to undermine the concept of open-source, but economic incentives are powerful tools and I think we could embrace this concept to encourage development especially in design areas like layouts, jQueryUI widgets and such.

Thanks for reading...

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