On Jul 1, 2011, at 7:09 AM, Ross Peoples wrote:
> Since I want to make sure that my application is as secure as possible, I 
> wanted to force all traffic to use HTTPS. At the bottom of my db.py, I have 
> this:
> ############ FORCED SSL #############
> session.secure()
> if not request.is_https:
>     redirect('https://%s/%s' % (request.env.http_host, request.application))
> #####################################
> It works great, secures the cookie, and redirects the user to the HTTPS 
> version of the site since session.secure() does not do this by itself. There 
> is one major problem with this, however, and that is that if I try to run a 
> script from cron, the script fails with a gluon.http.HTTP: 303 error due to 
> the fact that the script isn't using HTTPS.
> So is there a way to tell if a request is from a cron script? Or is there a 
> better way to do the forced SSL connections? Thanks.

global_settings.cronjob is a boolean indicating just that. I added it a while 
back while cleaning up some aspects of cron handling, so it should be present 
in any of the relatively recent versions.

BTW, you can use URL() in a case like this if you like. Just add scheme='https' 
and URL will do its normal thing, but create an absolute URL as required. The 
rest of its functionality (a/c/f/args?vars and the like) work normally.

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