In each item of the list is a 4 element tuple. The second 
element of tuple can be True or False to represent that item is active. This 
causes teh MENU class in gluon/ to attach class="web2py-menu-active" 
to the li tag associated with that menu item.

That class is not represented anywhere in the .css files included with the 
example. I am using the superfish menus form the default welcome 

Here is what I added to my own application css file

.web2py-menu-active {
    background-color: #275B90;

but it doesn't get picked up by the rendering of the menu. I am thinking 
maybe the superfish menu styling is over riding this or I don't have it 
right somehow. CSS is not one of my stronger areas.

I looked at the example which the site actually is and it uses a 
PNG image file with style sheet animation to change the button look for each 
state idle, hover, pressed and active. I saw something from Bruno recently 
as well in another thread. I am still using the superfish menus, if I need 
to replace them I will. It is not that difficult for a user to know where 
they are in the application but it would be nice to show which of the top 
menu items is active with a visual cue.


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