Hi, I have a very simple case use that I'm not able to solve using GAE:
I have a file with the content of two tables (cities and provinces). Cities 
have a db.provinces field, and when I start a new aplicacation I use to 
populate these tables using data from a module with this structure:
(1, 'Álava', 'alava', 'ALV','01'),
(2, 'Castellón', 'castellon', 'CAS','12'),

where the first field is the id of the province

(1,1,'Alegría-Dulantzi', 'alegria-dulantzi', '01240', '42.841171', 

(first field is the id of the city and second field is the province_id 

So I do a bulk insert in the provinces table, and using the province_id I do 
a bulk insert in the cities tables.
So far, so good using mysql, or sqlite.

But using GAE I can not fill it using the province_id (the id is ignored and 
gae puts another one) and I have no clue on how to associate both data.

Can anybody lend me a hand?

José L.

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