For some kind of reason google project delete all the info in the wiki, all
about this was in the wiki. But take a look to views/styles/default is the
default style, you have folder view/ (when you are watching a post), index/
(main index page) ...
Inside of this folder you have footer.html, header.html, sidebar.html you
can edit this with your html editor this are section of the layout.

2011/7/2 Andrew Thompson <>

> Greetings,
> I just installed Instant Press and am trying to figure out how to skin it.
> The views/layout.html says you should create views/layouts/xxx, but it's not
> real specific on what to name those files. I've tried
> views/layouts/layout.html and views/layouts/index.html, but neither seem to
> have affected it.
> How should I go about skinning it?
> --
> Andrew Thompson


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