On Jul 8, 3:02 pm, Ross Peoples <ross.peop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You're doing it right, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind.
> Using $.post(url, {input_n: input_number}); is easier than using $.ajax, but
> that's merely preference. The other thing you should know is that if a
> web2py ticket is generated during an AJAX call, you will not know about it.
> The call will appear to do nothing, which sounds like what you described.
> Whenever I make an AJAX call, this is how I usually do it:
> jQuery.post(url, {myvar: myvalue}, function(data) {
>     // do something with the returned data from server (only gets called if
> call was successful).}).error(function(data) {
>     // error is usually HTML, so convert it to plain text for the alert()
> function.
>     alert(data.replace(/(<.*?>)/ig,""));
> });
> This way, you will know if AJAX was successful or failed.


I would like to save the JavaScript variable to a web2py session

I have tried the following in my view (that has no controller
associated with it):

    function submit_form(input_number, input_egn) {
                type: "POST",
                url: "";,
                data: "{game_id : $
                success: function(msg){
                            alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
                            {{session.game_id = 4}}
                {{if request.vars['game_id']:
                session.game_id = request.vars['game_id']}}
        return false;

, but i receice the following error traceback:

1 Traceback (most recent call last):
2   File "/home/vpetkov/Documents/cashterminal_new/terminal/gluon/
rocket.py", line 1064, in run
3     self.run_app(conn)
4   File "/home/vpetkov/Documents/cashterminal_new/terminal/gluon/
rocket.py", line 1531, in run_app
5     self.environ = environ = self.build_environ(sock_file, conn)
6   File "/home/vpetkov/Documents/cashterminal_new/terminal/gluon/
rocket.py", line 1363, in build_environ
7     request = self.read_request_line(sock_file)
8   File "/home/vpetkov/Documents/cashterminal_new/terminal/gluon/
rocket.py", line 1138, in read_request_line
9     raise SocketTimeout("Socket timed out before request.")
10 SocketTimeout: Socket timed out before request.

I mean, does web2py has a way to RECEIVE JavaScript variables FROM
Python/web2py templates? Where are they stored? And how to call these
JavaScript variables inside {{ }} in a web2py view/template?

 Thank you in advance for your answers!

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