Ok, so this is my setup:

I have article() function inside default controller, which obtains
article title in request.args, puts ('articles/'+str(request.args[0])
+'.html') into returned dict(article=...), and serves appropriate
article's HTML from article.html with

<!-- various common tags along with <body> above and </html> below...
{{include article}}<!-- includes the right article/with-some-
title.html -->
<!-- ... -->

For example, if I access http://domain/article/with-some-title, it
renders views/articles/with-some-title.html.
I like that. :-)

But then I have /about URL, which calls about() function inside
default controller, but which I would like to use the same article
template from article.html, i.e. to follow DRY.

So I have tried to put my content in about.html in a variable
{{article_content = MARKMIN('About us...')}} and then {{include}}
modified article.html

{{if article_content:}}{{=article_content}}{{pass}}{{else}}{{include

(Besides {{if article_content:}} I tried with try-except too. Neither
When accessing /about, the ticket told me the error was in undefined
'article' variable in the include expression.

So I tried it another way, by defining block with default content in

{{block article_content}}{{include article}}{{end}}

and extending article.html in about.html

{{extend 'article.html'}}{{block article_content}}{{=MARKMIN('About

As per documentation, default value inside {{block}} (in my case
'{{include article}}') should be replaced with specified value (in
my case {{=MARKMIN(...)}}). But again, the ticket reports the same

  File "/home/****/web2py/gluon/template.py", line 449, in include
    text = self._get_file_text(filename)
  File "/home/****/web2py/gluon/template.py", line 430, in
    filename = eval(filename, self.context)
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'article' is not defined

To avoid using {{include}}, the next thing I am about to try is:

{{block article_contents}}{{if article:}}{{=open(article).read()}}

but this way I have to maintain os.getcwd() and annote the article
with proper path to my views. I don't know how stable this is.

Inexperienced as I am, I'm assuming it's possible I'm doing something
horribly wrong. What is that? :-)

TL;DR: The templating system counter-intuitively gives unconditional
priority to {{include}} expressions, which it evaluates first.

Oh, and if you can please tell me how I can make the about() function
to use the article.html view instead of default about.html view, that
would solve my DRY problem as well, I suppose. :-)


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