I think the web shell can be a little quirky, especially in IE on Windows. I 
usually just use the Windows shell. To make it easy to quickly run a 
particular app (and optionally run a specific controller), I have put a 
'web2py shell.bat' file on my desktop with the following content:
@echo off
set /P app="Enter app/controller to run (controller optional): "
cd c:\path\to\web2py
python web2py.py -S %app% -M -N
Just double click on the batch file and it will open a command window and 
prompt for an app name (you can optionally add a controller to run within 
the app). If you don't like the default size and color of the Windows 
command window, once it's open, click the icon in the upper left, and select 
"Defaults" in the menu -- you can change the default window size and 
position, font, colors, etc.

On Sunday, July 10, 2011 1:08:43 PM UTC-4, Valter Foresto wrote:

> I noted alternate functioning of Web Shell on Mozilla Firefox 5 and 
> Internet Explorer 9 on a PC with Vista installed OS.
> I currently use the last Version 1.97.1 (2011-06-26 19:25:44) of web2py.
> Anyone noted the same problem ?
> - Valter

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