You could do the check in a model file -- all (non-conditional) model files 
are executed on every request (before the requested controller action). 
if not (session.version_selected or 

On Sunday, July 10, 2011 3:22:44 PM UTC-4, Luis Goncalves wrote:

> Hello Everyone!
> Is there a simple/efficient/secure way to temporarily redirect all requests 
> to a specific page?
> (all requests except for those that define a few actions that are permitted 
> at that point in time)
> The context:
>    - When user logs in, he needs to choose the version of the website to 
>    use (different version access different sets of data) 
>    - Until he chooses a version, clicking on any of the menu options, or 
>    links, or typing in any URL should not execute normally, but rather send 
> him 
>    (keep him on) a page that tells him to "please select a version" 
>    - Ideally, selecting the version is done from the 'version' menubar 
>    option, so these still have to work properly.
> An ugly way to do this is to have every single possible action 
> (URL,controller) check if the version selection has been done or not,  but 
> that seems like an inelegant, brute-force approach (and prone to errors if 
> new functionality is added whilst forgetting to include the check).
> Thanks!!!
> Luis.

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