Hello Web2py Wizards,

I'm making a site using Web2py where vendors upload their product
images. The site is deployed on Google App Engine (GAE). The problem
I'm facing is that web2py image uploads on GAE only support files of
upto 1 mb by default. I currently do not have the in-depth knowledge
of web2py and python to modify the form generated by the crud.create()
method so that it supports GAE Blobstore which can store files larger
than 1 mb on GAE.

I would like to pay someone to add this feature in web2py and release
it as open source. It has to be plug and play, i.e. the crud.create
generated form should know (or have a parameter) that tells it that
this form is hosted on app engine and automatically it should store
all files using the blobstore API, even if they are smaller than 1 mb,
because then even larger files can be uploaded.

Also, I would like the form view generated to have an Ajax-based or
Flash-based upload widget with a progress bar and support multiple
uploads, either in a queue or in-parallel.

All this should happen without me having to change my currently simple
code where the model has a bunch of fields of type upload along with
other fields for product description, controller has a form=
crud.create() line and the view has {{=form}}.

Please provide your price+time quotes here in the comments and a link
to your profile elsewhere where I can get in touch with you to get
this going. Thank you!


- Anand


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