That slice is still works.

The version number of postgres might be different, so instead of 8.3 use 8.4
or similar.

You might also find things like auto_vacuum come set on by default in newer
versions of postgres.

Some of the web2py setup gets confusing at the end since I made some
assumptions on how to configure the paths and used scripts the generation of
apache config files.

However by that point you could pick up at the book on enabling web2py
through wsgi and apache.


On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Eric Scott <>wrote:

> Dear Massimo and the rest of the dev team,
> You and your team have assembled a wonderful framework here.  Coming
> from a PHP/CakePHP background (non-professional other than some work
> as a web designer in the late 1990s), I decided to switch to a python-
> based framework and spent the past week carefully researching
> options.  After seriously considering Django, I ended up deciding upon
> web2py, first and foremost because it's clear that you and your team
> very publically stand behind your "product".  Thanks again for a
> wonderful tool -- it's much appreciated (and I just made a donation to
> the project to express my appreciation more concretely).
> I've started playing around with the framework on an EC2 instance,
> which is probably where I'll keep it for a small app I'm developing.
> I do have a question for the list:
> I'd like to set  it up to work with PostgreSQL instead of SQlite.  Is
> this the latest HOWTO on setting web2py up with PostgreSQL:
>  It looks like a very
> good HOWTO but I want to be sure it's current before I use it.
> I've got it set up on my virtual machine and I'm very familiar with
> SQL so it should not be too hard for me to set up the database;  I
> just need recent documentation on setting web2py to work with it
> instead of sqlite.
> Thanks in advance for any input on guides to setting up PostgreSQL
> with web2py.
> Kind regards,
> Eric
> Eric Scott Bullington

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