You're checking it from the shell. Do a db.commit() before checking
for total_price.

On Jul 15, 3:37 am, guruyaya <> wrote:
> This is run on a web2py shell:
> >>> db.define_table('item',
> ...         Field('unit_price','double'),
> ...         Field('quantity','integer'),
> ...         Field('total_price',
> ...             compute=lambda r: r['unit_price']*r['quantity']))
> .
> .
> .
> >>> r = db.item.insert(unit_price=1.99, quantity=5)
> >>> r.total_price
> '9.95'
> >>> db( == 1).select()[0]
> <Row {'total_price': '9.95', 'update_record': <function <lambda> at
> 0x17f10c8>, 'unit_price': 1.99, 'id': 1, 'delete_record': <function
> <lambda> at 0x17f1230>, 'quantity': 5}>
> Till now, all is good.
> >>> db( == 1).update(unit_price = 3)
> 1
> >>> db( == 1).select()[0].total_price
> '9.95'
> >>> db( == 1).select()[0].unit_price
> 3.0
> The web2py book said that
> """ When a new record is modified, including both insertions and
> *updates*, if a value for the field is not provided, web2py tries to
> compute from the other field values using the compute function """
> How come? shouldn't the compute field be recalculated?
> Now

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