As far as I know only with ID, which is always auto-magically created
for you.

On Jul 15, 6:54 am, Kenneth Lundström <>
> Thanks,
> logic error noted, in this case it woun t be a problem. Can t think of a
> fix without changing the idea behind this.
> I find it interesting that some fields expect a specific type. Is ID the
> only one?
> user = db( == request.args[0] if
> request.args[0].isdigit() else 0).select()
> This didn t work, it throws an error saying no table selected.
> But instead I did it like this:
>          if request.args[0].isdigit():
>              user = db( == str(request.args[0])).select()
>              if len(user):
>                  user_id = user[0].id
>              else:
>                  user_id = 0
>          else:
>              user = db(db.auth_user.username == request.args[0]).select()
>              if len(user):
>                  user_id = user[0].id
>              else:
>                  user_id = 0
> Kenneth
> > request.args always contain strings. str(request.args(0)) is
> > extraneous
> > There's a logic hole here: What if my username is "1" but my record's
> > id is 22. This code will return the record db.auth_user[1] when it's
> > supposed to return db.auth_user[22]
> > Anyway, ou get "invalid literal for int() with base 10" error because
> > expects integers and you're sending it a string,
> > "kenneth". Quick fix:
> > user = db( == request.args[0] if
> > request.args[0].isdigit() else 0).select()
> > That fixes the syntax error but not the logic error I pointed out
> > earlier.
> > On Jul 15, 5:06 am, Kenneth Lundstr m<>
> > wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> why can t I do this:
> >> user = db( == 'kenneth').select()
> >> I know that this should result in len(user) = 0 but I m sending
> >> sometimes a text and sometimes a number and I m trying to do this:
> >>           user = db( == str(request.args[0])).select()
> >>           if len(user):
> >>               user_id = user[0].id
> >>           else:
> >>               user = db(db.auth_user.username == request.args[0]).select()
> >>               if len(user):
> >>                   user_id = user[0].id
> >>               else:
> >>                   user_id = 0
> >>      Error ticket for "kenneths"
> >>        Ticket ID
> >>
> >>        Version
> >> web2py^(TM)     Version 1.97.1 (2011-06-26 19:25:44)
> >> Python  Python 2.6.5: /usr/bin/python
> >>        Traceback
> >> 1.
> >> 2.
> >> 3.
> >> 4.
> >> 5.
> >> 6.
> >> 7.
> >> 8.
> >> 9.
> >> 10.
> >> 11.
> >> 12.
> >> 13.
> >> 14.
> >> 15.
> >> 16.
> >> 17.
> >> 18.
> >> 19.
> >> 20.
> >> 21.
> >> 22.
> >> 23.
> >> 24.
> >> Traceback(most recent call last):
> >>     File"/data/domains/web2py/gluon/",line192,inrestricted
> >>       execccodeinenvironment
> >>     
> >> File"/data/domains/web2py/applications/kenneths/controllers/"<>,line43,in<module>
> >>     File"/data/domains/web2py/gluon/",line137,in<lambda>
> >>       self._caller=lambdaf:f()
> >>     
> >> File"/data/domains/web2py/applications/kenneths/controllers/"<>,line9,innew_ticket
> >>       user=db('kenneth').select()
> >>     File"/data/domains/web2py/gluon/",line5394,inselect
> >>       return,fields,attributes)
> >>     File"/data/domains/web2py/gluon/",line1168,inselect
> >>       sql=self._select(query,fields,attributes)
> >>     File"/data/domains/web2py/gluon/",line1078,in_select
> >>       sql_w=' WHERE '+self.expand(query)
> >>     File"/data/domains/web2py/gluon/",line937,inexpand
> >>       returnexpression.op(expression.first,expression.second)
> >>     File"/data/domains/web2py/gluon/",line886,inEQ
> >>       return'(%s = %s)'% 
> >> (self.expand(first),self.expand(second,first.type))
> >>     File"/data/domains/web2py/gluon/",line943,inexpand
> >>       return self.represent(expression,field_type)
> >>     File"/data/domains/web2py/gluon/",line1280,inrepresent
> >>       returnstr(int(obj))
> >> ValueError:invalid literalforint()with base10:'kenneth'
> >>        Error snapshot
> >> |<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>(invalid literal for int() with base 10:
> >> 'kenneth')|

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