
Having another problem today with the following:

table defined as:

priceBackerItem = db.define_table('priceBackerItem',
            Field('priceBackerItemId', 'id'),
Field('priceBackerId', db.priceBacker, required=True, label='Price Backer'), Field('itemType', 'list:string', required=True, label='Item Type'),
            Field('sequence', 'integer'),
            Field('description', 'text'),
            Field('price', 'decimal(9,2)', label='15-Day Price'),
            Field('subscript', 'text'))

priceBackerItem.priceBackerItemId.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
priceBackerItem.itemType.requires = IS_IN_SET(['Special Formulation Price Adjustment',
                                    'Medication Price Adjustment'],
                                    zero='choose one',multiple=False)

Using CRUD, when the update form displays, it never displays the current value of item type. The reason is (my best guess) that when I look in the database (mysql), I see the values as:

|Medication Price Adjustment| or
|Special Formulation Price Adjustment|

...including the vertical lines in the text.

Any advice?


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