The problem is that the JavaScript necessary to load data to table is not
being loaded in the component, I will try to reproduce it here to test.

I never tested PowerTable plugin within a component or ajax modals, I need
to test to see what to do with Java Script needed to load.

Can you open an issue on bitbucket?

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Roberto Perdomo <>wrote:

> Hi, i am using powertables an i like load a table using
> {{=LOAD(c='default',f='finction',args='',extension='html',ajax=False,ajax_trap=False)}},
> but the table not show details when click the green plus button.
> The error is: Cannot read property '_aData' of undefined.
> I load the table inside a tab, inside other page, but the error persist.
> I dont know what happen, I appreciate your suggestions.


Bruno Rocha
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