On Monday, August 1, 2011 6:06:11 PM UTC-4, Phyo Arkar wrote: 
> As web2py grow bigger and bigger :
> - There are many many features which are not used, just sits around.
> - If we dont want , have to remove them by hand from web2py
> - If we just want to release a standalone application, web2py is already 
> too big
> - if i want to strip down features i have to look into web2py code , 
> modifying , removing stuff , that will break things and every web2py update 
> i have to redo that work.
> May be in Future , in backward-incompatible version of web2py(may be also 
> possible in this version) , shouldn't we separate web2py into separate 
> components
> eg:
> Web2py-Core (Main web2py Rocket, MVC,Routing)
> Web2py-DAL (DAL SPecific,auth,curd)
> Web2py-Extras (Extra web2py Examples,scaffolding)
> Web2py-Admin (Admin interface)

All of these things are already "modular" in the sense that you can get rid 
of any of them by simply deleting specific files or folders (i.e., you don't 
have to edit any code). Are you saying you just want an easier way to 
download/install exactly what you need without having to bother with any 

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