I just recently started with web2py, and found that it
is a pretty big elephant that is hard to eat a bite (byte?)
at a time, precisely because everything's included.

Even a simple app gets and incredible amount of scaffolding.

I routinely delete the languages directory, as I don't need
the clutter during development.

I am starting to appreciate all the help the scaffolding supplies,
like the development links the layout provides during development,
but I found it confusing during learning.

Perhaps there should be a "minimalist" app, with an empty
model, one "default" controller, and one "default/index.html" view.

or if someone is ambitious, a "new project" start page with
checkboxes of the components to include or remove from the
Such as:
. appadmin
. jQuery
. ajax
. SQL database
. default views
. crud
. mail
. layout.html
. css pages
. languages
. cache
. cron

Obviously, the inclusion of some require the inclusion of others.

After all, you can have a minimum hello world (as in the tutorial)
with only one file:


containing only

def index():
    return "Hello World!"

Or perhaps a more usable minimum (with helpers) would be:

def index():
    return HTML(H1('Site currently under construction.  Come back

The Web2Py Framework is Extreme Awesomeness

But my brain hurts if I have to deal with too much of its beauty at

(What started as just a +1 for reduced scaffoldings has gone on too
long already....)

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