On Sat, 6 Aug 2011 00:27:57 -0300
Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As a goal I want to create a database (cached) based, configurable
> system, where has:
> *Pages *
> *Blocks (custom and distributed)*
> *Customized templates*
> *Blog system*
> *Auth & permissions*

Cool...We'd need simple e-commerce on top of that.

> I already have real website running, and I am testing it
> Live Front End: (templates are customized) -
> http://www.miaudota.com.br/miaudota (this is not a demo)

Looks nice.

> which already has dusqus integration:
> http://www.miaudota.com.br/miaudota/default/index/blog/post/geral-teste

Is it possible to have non-disqus threaded comments?

> Just want to know what do you thing about? can someone contribute?
> suggestions?

I'm still deciding whether to use web2py or Django and asked question about it 
at SO:


where you can see list of desired features we would like to have.

In any case, your project looks very interesting...

Otoh, without trying I cannot provide any suggestion and before deciding to use
web2py we cannot contribute as well. :-)


“In the material world, conceptions of good and bad are
all mental speculations…” (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu)

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