My typo:


On Aug 9, 8:30 pm, Andrew <> wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> I'm guessing form.accept isn't implemented yet.  I get:
> AttributeError: 'FORM' object has no attribute 'accept'
> Thanks
> Andrew W
> On Aug 10, 1:53 am, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> wrote:
> > There are many old applications in
> > are current, come are old, some are crap.
> > I encourage users to adopt an app:
> > - pick one
> > - download it and try it
> > - determine if it is crap and if it is let me know, I will delete it!
> > (*)
> > - try improve it (good exercise) (**)
> > - add your name as author, post it on github or bitbucket or google
> > code and send me a link.
> > - I will replace the app with your link
> > (*) an app is crap if
> > - does nothing useful
> > - uses
> > - perhaps if it uses or (but not necessarily, kpax
> > is not too bad)
> > (**) how to improve it?
> > cp from welcome layout.html, static/* and appadmin.html
> > replace whatever auth method with Auth
> > fix it if does not work.
> > replace syntax like
> >   rows = db(...).select()
> >   if not rows: recirect(...)
> >   row=rows[0]
> > with
> >   row = db(...).select().first() or redirect(...)
> > replace
> >   form.accepts(request.vars,session)
> > with
> >    form.accept(request,session)
> > replace
> >    URL(r=request,c='controller',f='function',...)
> > with
> >    URL('controller','function',...)
> > This is a good exercise.
> > Massimo

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