Look at the source of the decorator in gluon/tools.py. It should be
trivial to change it and take the username:password from a
request.vars or from a request.env

On Aug 10, 4:35 pm, Relsi Hur <relsi.ram...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone else? =)
> any tips on how to pass the username and password as parameters of the
> method and continue using the decorator?
> On Aug 10, 3:56 am, Relsi Hur <relsi.ram...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Yes, the objective-C suport xml-rpc, but the developer says that 
> > theiphonedoes not work the wire 
> > formathttps://username:password@my_server/my_app/service/call/xmlrpc.
> > I do not work with the platform iOS, so I do not know the
> > particularities of the platform, I do not want is having to stop using
> > the web2py decorators only to have to answer a specific platform. If
> > someone has already developediPhonecan give a hint about it, I thank
> > you very much.
> > On Aug 10, 3:34 am, Christopher Steel <chris.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I have not tried xml-rpc on theiphonebut apparently Wordpress has some
> > >iphonexmlrpc examples...
> > >http://stackoverflow.com/questions/147062/does-iphone-support-xml-rpc
> > > Let us know how it goes!
> > > C.

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