Very interesting reading Anthony - thanks for the link.


On Aug 15, 6:27 pm, Anthony <> wrote:
> This thread from the developers list a few months ago may interest 
> you:
> Anthony
> On Monday, August 15, 2011 8:18:30 PM UTC-4, Kevin Ivarsen wrote:
> > Hi Anthony,
> > Thanks for the quick response.
> > I do use migrate=False already. I have not tried bytecode compiling
> > the app, but earlier today I did a quick test: I wrapped the contents
> > of my long in an "if False:" block (causing it to compile, but
> > not run, the code for each request), and compared this to an empty
> > (nothing to compile or run). It looks like compiling the code
> > took about 7ms - about 5% of the total overhead. I don't think
> > bytecode compiling will produce the dramatic improvement that I'm
> > hoping to find (though I will of course try it when I get a chance.)
> > Conditional models might help some - at the expense of additional
> > planning and maintenance required during development. In any case, I
> > still worry about the number of tables that need to be shared across
> > at least two controllers, and the lower bound on performance those
> > will impose. I was hoping to find a more global way to speed up
> > models.
> > Optimizing DAL creation would be an interesting area for future web2py
> > development, IMHO. When I get some more time I might try to look at
> > this in more detail.
> > Cheers,
> > Kevin
> > On Aug 15, 3:59 pm, Anthony <> wrote:
> > > First, have you set migrate to False for all tables, and have you
> > bytecode
> > > compiled the app? That should speed things up.
> > > Also, do you need all 70 tables for any requests, or can they be broken
> > up
> > > based on the particular controller/function called? If so, you may speed
> > > things up with conditional models. Any files in /models/controller1 will
> > > only be executed on requests for controller1, and any files in
> > > /models/controller1/function1 will only be executed on requests for
> > > controller1/function1. (We're working on more general functionality for
> > > conditional models that won't be based solely on the controller and
> > > function.)
> > > Anthony
> > > On Monday, August 15, 2011 6:30:06 PM UTC-4, Kevin Ivarsen wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > I'm using web2py with a relatively large legacy database. We have
> > > > about 70 tables, and models/ is close to 1000 lines long.
> > > > The problem I'm facing is that all of these Field() constructors and
> > > > define_table() calls take about 150-200ms to execute, and this
> > > > overhead occurs each time any request is made to web2py. Compare this
> > > > to a minimal web2py app, which might have a (reasonable) 10-30ms of
> > > > overhead before response data starts flowing to the client.
> > > > I was hoping that a simple solution would be to declare the DAL
> > > > structure once in an importable module, which would be run once on
> > > > web2py startup rather than at each request. I could then deepcopy it
> > > > in my model file (which I think would be faster than all the calls to
> > > > define_table(), Field(), etc.), and then establish a connection to the
> > > > database from this copied DAL.
> > > > Unfortunately, there are a few problems with this:
> > > >   1. If a DAL instance is to be connected to the database, it must
> > > > happen in the constructor. It doesn't seem that you can do "db =
> > > > DAL(None)" and then establish a connection after the fact. Also, it
> > > > looks like some db-specific behavior is set up in the DAL constructor
> > > > based on the connection URL - this wouldn't happen in the case of
> > > > DAL(None).
> > > >   2. Table and Field instances have a reference to db, so it seems
> > > > that define_table() needs to be called *after* the DAL connection has
> > > > been established in order to set up these references.
> > > > I suppose it would be possible to deepcopy a DAL(None) instance that
> > > > has been established with Tables and Fields, and monkey-patch the db
> > > > references thoughout the DAL structure, but chances seem good that
> > > > this will create subtle bugs down the road if the internal DAL
> > > > implementation ever changes.
> > > > Can anyone suggest a better way to speed up DAL creation for large
> > > > schemas?
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Kevin

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