I have to use some form of autocomplete input instead of a drop down
because there will be a lot of titles, like hundreds, so it would be
easier to have people type and have it auto corrected.

I'm still unsure why this code, would return the error: ValueError:
invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Painter'.

def search():
    searches = db(db.listing.title==request.args(0)).select()
    items = []
    for search in searches:
        items.append(DIV(A(search, _href=URL('index'))))

    return TAG[''](*items)

Why would it expect an int and not a literal, when my models is:


                Field('password','password', length=512,
readable=False, label='Password'),
                Field('title', db.title, '%(name)s'),
                Field('registration_key', length=512,
                    writable=False, readable=False, default=''),
                Field('reset_password_key', length=512,
                    writable=False, readable=False, default=''),
                Field('registration_id', length=512,
                    writable=False, readable=False, default=''),

I've got to be missing something??? :/

On Aug 15, 10:01 am, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:05:17 PM UTC-4, Jarrod Cugley wrote:
> > Woohoo it's now working! Thank you Anthony!!!
> > 2 questions:
> > 1. When I have
> > listing.title.requires = [IS_IN_DB(db, db.title.id, '%(name)s')]
> > as a list (which is how I want it, it doesn't seem to let me register,
> > it still expects an int, how can I make it expect a string that's
> > equal to an id? Cause obviously people can't just guess the id of
> > their title hahaha
> If you want to enforce the requirement that titles are existing titles in
> the 'title' table, why not stick with the dropdown widget instead of
> allowing users to enter whatever title they want (which presumably will lead
> to more errors)? Another option may be the autocomplete widget 
> (http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#Autocomplete-Widget), though it
> seems to have problems in IE (I hope to come up with a fix for that soon).
> Otherwise, I suppose you could write a custom validator that takes the name,
> looks up the matching title.id, and changes the value to that id (or returns
> an error if not found). 
> Seehttp://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#Custom-Validators.
> > 2. I'm running a little test on index to figure out how to display the
> > first names that have the reference id '36' using this code:
> > def index():
> > painters = db(db.listing.title == 36).select()
> > items = []
> > for painter in painters:
> > items.append(DIV(A(painter.first_name, _href=URL('index'))))
> > return dict(items=items)
> > But it's just displaying this on the index page:
> > [<gluon.html.DIV object at 0x9982a50>, <gluon.html.DIV object at
> > 0x9982b30>]
> 'items' is a list of HTML helpers, not a single HTML helper. If your view
> does {{=items}}, it won't serialize the separate DIV objects because they're
> part of a list. Instead, you'll need to unpack the list somehow. For
> example:
> {{for item in items:}}
> {{=item}}
> {{pass}}
> > P.S Are you the Anthony that was helping me on Stack Overflow too? If
> > so thanks, your help is awesome, hopefully I can pay it back one
> > day :)
> Yes, same Anthony. No problem, happy to help. Enjoy web2py. :-)
> Anthony

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