Hi Mic!

This is very interesting! :) how does it work?  you have
"URL('gen_pdf')", what is that referencing?

would you have a model/sample app that we could peek at? :)

Mart :)

On Aug 15, 4:47 pm, Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com>
> Suppose you want to make an AJAX call that starts a file download.
> How can you do that?
> 1. form submission
> 2. a element href
> 3. iframe
> Too complex!
> of course *web2py* comes to rescue...
> BIG NOTE: the following is based on 'data:' url type and was tested
> only on FF and chrome. I do not have
>  IE but I suppose that  is not compatible with the standard!
> In your view put a web2py ajax call similar to the following wherever
> you need it:
> ajax('%s',[],':eval');" % URL('gen_pdf')
> ex.
> {{=A(T('be brave!'), _onclick="ajax('%s',[],':eval');" %
> URL('gen_pdf'), _class='button')}}
> in the controller use embed64.
> def gen_pdf():
>     from gluon.contrib.pyfpdf import FPDF
>     pdf=FPDF()
>     pdf.add_page()
>     pdf.set_font('Arial','B',16)
>     pdf.cell(40,10,'Hello World at %s!' % request.now)
>     doc=pdf.output(dest='S')
>     doc64=embed64(data=doc,extension='application/pdf')
>     return 'window.location="%s";' % doc64
> have fun!
> mic

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