{{if == user.auth_user.default_card: print

should be

{{if == auth.user.default_card:}} checked="checked" {{pass}}


{{if == auth.user.default_card: response.write('

On Aug 17, 2:57 pm, Eric Scott <> wrote:
> I'm new to both Python and web2py and am having difficulty coding a
> web2py radio form where each input field displays a name and an
> image.  One (and only one) of these images should be set as the user's
> default image.  I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this in
> web2py.  I was able to produce the dict and then loop through to list
> them accordingly:
> @auth.requires_login()
> def show_cards():
>     records = db((db.card.owner == |
> (db.card.is_active == True)).select()
>     user = db( ==
>     return dict(records=records,user=user)
> VIEW (show_cards.html):
> {{for record in records:}} <input type='radio' name='mylist'
> _value="{{}}"> <img src="{{=URL('download',
> args=record.image)}}"/><br> {{pass}}
> db.define_table('auth_user',
>     Field('id','id'),
>     Field('username', type='string',
>           label=T('Username')),
>     Field('password', type='password',
>           readable=False,
>           label=T('Password')),
>     Field('default_card', 'reference card')
> db.define_table('card',
>     Field('id','id'),
>     Field('image', 'upload',
> uploadfield='image_file',label=T('Image')),
>     Field('image_file', 'blob'),
>     Field('nick',label=T('Nickname')),
>     Field('owner', db.auth_user),
>     Field('is_active','boolean',default=False,
>           label=T('Active')),
> The problem now is, I have no idea how to structure the view so that
> "checked=checked" is printed if the card value is equal to the owner's
> default value.  I know it's going to involve a nested "if" clause, but
> I'm not sure how to do this in a view. Something like: "{{if
> == user.auth_user.default_card: print 'checked="checked''}}"  How
> should I include this in the code?  I've not yet seen how to format
> nested logic in a view.
> I also think that I could do this with a widget, but the more I read
> on radio buttons and widgets, the more lost I become.  I know there
> are probably much better ways to do this, but this is all I could hack
> together.
> Any guidance would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just a pointer
> in the right direction.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Eric

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