Hi all, I have a problem deploying my app to a VPS.

I created an app with linkedin support, using
https://github.com/mrgaaron/LinkedIn-Client-Library .
Just to avoid to install this module systemwide, I put it under myapp/
modules folder.

  - modules
    - liclient
        - __init__.py (containing class LinkedInAPI)

Now, the weird part: in a model I defined some helper functions, that
I call later on some controllers.
In these,  I call "from liclient import LinkedInAPI" .
All is working fine on the local system, but in the VPS - an exact
copy of the local environment - this call throws an exception.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/niphlod/production/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line
192, in restricted
    exec ccode in environment
  File "/home/niphlod/production/web2py/applications/whoisper/models/
default/linkedin_helpers.py", line 25, in <module>
    from liclient import LinkedInAPI
  File "/home/niphlod/production/web2py/gluon/custom_import.py", line
280, in __call__
    fromlist, level)
  File "/home/niphlod/production/web2py/gluon/custom_import.py", line
74, in __call__
ImportError: No module named liclient

Am I doing something wrong? Any hints or tips ?

PS: in the local system the library is not installed, i.e. if I open a
python shell and type "from liclient import LinkedInAPI" response is
"ImportError: No module named liclient". The same thing happens in the

sys.path is the same for the local and the VPS system.

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