
I've created a component mycomponent.load to be used with the LOAD()
method. But inside the mycomponent.load I want to have a link to
another function in the same controller.

When I do: {{=URL(r=request, f='otherfunction')}}, the .load extension
is automatically added, so I end up being linked to the nonexisting
URL "http://.../mycontroller/otherfunction.load";.

Is this the intended behavior? I can guess there is something about
the extension from this fragment of the book:

"If you LOAD a component having the .load extension and the
corresponding controller function redirects to another action (for
example a login form), the .load extension propagates and the new url
(the one to redirect too) is also loaded with a .load extension."

but is there a way to remove the .load extension when using URL inside
a component?


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