I would make the db query in the controller file and pass the Rows
object to the view to present the data. ¿Is'n that more MVC-ish? Even
the function could be defined in the controller and passed in the
response. For the Shouts field of the record i would check the model
for conflicts/errors.

A way of changing the Shout str should be:
row.update_record(Shout = [transformed shout])

On 28 ago, 09:17, Yuushi <yuushiceleri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This has kept me up quite a few hours last night, this morning I woke
> up and I still have no clue how to approach this. I am still pretty
> new to Python & web2py but I can't believe a simple string function
> gives me so much grief.
> My goal:
> I am making a simple shoutbox for practice purposes, it uses a
> database with the colloms: Shout,created_on,created_by
> I have a database result set in the controller of the shoutbox
> (   shouts = db(db.shouts).select(orderby=~db.shouts.created_on)   ).
> Now the problem I run into is when I want to implement a simple emote
> system. Basicly I want to perform a simple string replace on
> shouts.Shout.
> Because I have no idea how to manipulate the database result set
> (which I also would like to know) I figured I would deal with it in
> the view, not really ideal I would guess.
> So I have a function in a module:
> def ParseEmote(text):
>     text = text.replace("test","bla")
>     return text
> in the view I have:
>     {{for shout in shouts:}}
>         {{result = functions.timesince(shout.created_on)}}
>         <div style="font-size:12px;">
>             <span
> style="color:#0F0">{{=db.auth_user[shout.created_by].first_name}}</
> span>
>             <span style="color:#999;">says ({{=result}} ago): </
> span>
>         </div>
>         {{=functions.ParseEmote(shout.Shout)}}
>     {{pass}}
> The error I get is:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "gluon/restricted.py", line 192, in restricted
>   File "G:\web2py\applications\the_old_republic\views\default/
> shoutbox.html", line 15, in <module>
>   File "applications/The_Old_Republic/controllers/functions.py", line
> 7, in ParseEmote
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'
> Now my question is:
> 1. How can I modify my ParseEmote function to deal with the
> shout.Shout variable which seems to be a NoneType which I dont really
> get. Its not really the best solution but I might come in handy later.
> 2. Is there a way I can get a similar result by just using just the
> controller? something like (but then working):
> shouts = db(db.shouts).select(orderby=~db.shouts.created_on)
> for s in shouts:
>    s.Shout.replace(":emote1:","somehtml")
> pass
> Regards,
> Yuushi

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