I know this myight be a silly question, but how do I install this app?
Do I have to put it in the same folder as where my web2py is at? Right
now I am accessing web2py admin interface through HTTP from another
computer where I have downloaded this saymyname app. So When I am on
this other computer and I try to upload it tells me I can't upload
because i get this error:

Unable to download app because:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'saymyname'

So basically I am using apache server with mod_wsgi and a virtual host
to run web2py on the server I am accessing the admin interface.



On Aug 29, 2:36 pm, Omi Chiba <ochib...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rami,
> I'm using the same version and just follow the chapter but It works
> fine.
> It runs under Rocket WSGI web server comming with web2py. If you are
> using another web server, then you should check the configuration. Or
> it could be a typo somewhere. I will send youmyapp to your mail
> address.
> On Aug 29, 2:29 pm, rami <beatrisr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I recently decided to try web2py and so I am going through the
> > tutorials in Chapter 3.
> > I have Version 1.98.2. When I got to theSayMyNameExample, I
> > followed the steps, but I found out that I have to add
> > response.generic_patterns = ['*']  because I kept getting "Invalid
> > View".
> > Ok, so inmydefault controller I did this:
> > def first():
> >     response.generic_patterns = ['*']
> >     return dict()
> > def second():
> >     response.generic_patterns = ['*']
> >     return dict()
> > Then under views, I created first.html and second html:
> > <<<<first.html>>>>
> > {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> > What is yourname?
> > <form action="second">
> >     <inputname="visitor_name" />
> >     <input type="submit" />
> > </form>
> > <<<<second.html>>>>
> > {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> > <h1> Hello {{=request.vars.visitor_name}}</h1>
> > Now when I try to see first.html, it just displays "First" as a title,
> > but no form is present.
> > Any ideas why this is happening??
> > Thank you!

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