I would like to build an interface between web2py and OrientDB.  It's
a NOSQL document-graph database with some astonishing features.  See
http://www.orientechnologies.com for full details.

I have been communicating between the two via the requests python lib
and OrientDB's RESTful interface.  The really cool part is that it
uses SQL syntax so it could be a great fit for web2py.

A professionally done interface between the two (intended to be
released as a web2py plugin) would bring a great deal of power to
web2py's already ample capabilities.

As I understand it, and please forgive any ignorance on my part, a
class in a module should do the trick.  Then import the module
whenever communication is needed between web2py and OrientDB.  This
would allow me to keep everything related to communication between the
two in one convenient place.  Error handling and such in one place
should clean up a lot of my code.

As a relative newcomer to web2py I would appreciate any guidance as to
the best approach to go about building such an interface so as to
avoid making a noob-tastic mistake and have to do it all over again.

More specifically, what do you think would be the best approach to
adapt a RESTful OrientDB server to DAL's awesomeness?  Security is a
large concern of mine and DAL's auto-escaping of input plus everything
else it does would bring me peace of mind.

Thank you in advance for your help and time.

-David Bloom

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